Geekines 101

Well, well, well... There's never a stop for my geekines (??). Just look at my very own super duper cutie pajamas!! 
(Every geek should have one in their closet.)
Cameriod felt like being a mirror today so you have to read backwards, no problem for a geek right?!
And for you people who doesn't know swedish though it's such a beautiful language (shakes head...), here's a dictionarie. 
English: natur = nature
Espanol: natur = naturaleza
Suomi: natur = luonto
日本人: 自然
Беларускія: прырода
Pilipino: kalikasan
Well, lucky you I'm a pro at foreigen languages! 
Follow the link bellow to get your very own geek T-shirt.

It's official - I'm destroyed

Hi cutiepies!
Okey, I just realised that one year at the sience program has totally made me a geek. And now I'm serious. 
Serious face.
This really weird thing happened yesterday... I was going to check my schedule what time I was going to get out  of school today. So I simply took my schedule, looked at it and noted that it said 16.10. The following text may upset you so I'm going to warn sensitive readers, and to my defence, I didn't force you to read this blog. The very first thing that popped in to my head head was "Woohoo! That's really early which is great since it's friday tomorrow.". The next thing that happened was that I realised what a crazy/stupid/weird (???) thougt that had just  flew in to my head. `Cuz 16.10 is really, really LATE! :O Well, I guess this is just another step closer towards the geek I'm becoming. Sad story, but true... 

Stay happy with Lina - this blog post will make you laugh!

Hahahahahhahahah LOL ROFL LMFAO
Well sometimes my good fellos I just feel like smile. Smile, smile, smile! 
Since I want all my friends to be happy to I will show you my "How to be forever happy" program! 
Step 1: Smile.
Step 2: Smile. 
Step 3: Smile. 
I know, it's really easy! Almost to easy to be true but it actually works. I'll tell you why mah babies!
When you smile when you're sad you trick your brain in to thinking you're happy. 'Cus what do you do when you're happy? 
Answer: Smile! 
So when you smile you're brain thinks you're happy and tada!!! You ARE happy! 
Okey, I don't know how to do a better link bur I'm a sience geek not a computer geek. 


Hi baby! (You know what? I've been thinking and I figured I need to practice english so I'll write in english here on my faublos blog). Baby. It sounds so pretty! If you say it in the right way of course. I watched Dirty Dancing yesterday and Frances nickname was Baby. I literally melted! When I'll a kid I'm going to call it Baby. Or if someone sweet wants to start call me Baby, it could be my new nickname, not that I've ever had a nickname but anyways. 
I watched Dirty Dancing yesterday and then I drew this picture (under) of Johnny Castle and Baby, it was super fun and the best part was that it turned out great! Well, you have to be a little bit ego sometimes. 
OXOXOXOXO You're favourite blogger Baby ;) :* 

Ingen mer skola = noll glädje

Jag slogs nyss av en sak. Imorgon är det till min förfäran den sista dagen i skolan.... Jag måste säga att mitt år på HBO har gett mig otroligt mycket! Den har gett mig glädje, läxor, vänner, ovänner (okej, kanske inte ovänner men det passade så fint in), klassresor och ännu mer läxor. Åh juste! Får inte glömmas massa underbara stunder i HBO:s fina bibliotek.
Nu tänker jag berätta mitt livs historia om hur min allra första dag på Haraldsbo såg ut. Det hela började med att jag vaknade på morgonen och ja, gjorde sånt som man brukar göra innan man går till skolan. Jag tog på mig mina fina kläder som jag noga valt ut dagen innan. Jag kände mig ganska cool, ni vet som man kan göra ibland. Allt kändes ganska bra faktiskt. Sen kom jag till skolan och då vände allt. Helt plötsligt stod jag där mitt i cafeterian som var fylld av massa ettor. De var ju ioch för sig också nya men det kändes som att ALLA kände nån. I vanliga fall är jag en tidsoptimist och kommer inte tidigare än jag behöver men just denna dagen då jag inte ville va tidig kom jag en kvart för tidigt. Så där satt jag i 15 min bredvid några random tjejer som pratade om gud vet vad. Jag var ju liksom inte med i samtalet om man säger så. Men även om dagen började ganska, vad ska man kalla det? Skakigt så slutade det iallafall med att jag var med min allra första vän i Falun! Japp, min första dag på HBO var ganska bra ändå.


Jag älskar musik och jag vet att jag delar detta fina intresse med många medmänniskor på Haraldsbo. Dock har inte alla lika bra musiksmak som jag och därför tänkte jag att jag skulle bidra med lite nytänkande till dessa stackars elever som inte lärt sig lyssna på bra musik. Nu när det är vår så blir jag ofta på kärlekshumör och vill lyssna på glada romantiska låtar för att kunna sprida glädje på skolan! Här är min (och alla andra Haraldsboelevers framtida) topp topp 5 lista:
  1. Kiss me - New found glory 
  2. Look what you´ve done - Jet ( denna låten gör min alltid nanannanannanna! ). 
  3. Painting flowers - All time low ( japp, detta coola band har jag faktiskt sett, de är superba så jag rekomenderar varm att ni börjar lyssna på dem. Då blir jag glad! ) By the way så har denna låten varit med i Alice i Underlandet om ni känner igen den.
  4. Speed of sound - Coldplay 
  5. Kyss mig - Axel Algmark 
Så nu när jag går till skolan så förväntar jag mig bara höra massa azum musik i dom långa vackra korridorerna! ;)

Sportlovs plugg - som en sann naturare!

Jag kände att engelska inte riktigt va min grej, jag bor ju trotts allt i Sverige så varför leka cool och skriva på nåt annat språk? Nu sparar ju även alla småungar som läser min blogg tid när de slipper hänga på google translate 24/7. Det är ett väldigt coolt ställe att hänga på men nån gång kan man behöva en paus från det.  Även jag slipper ju vistas där, så alla vinner på detta! Den sista kvällen på mitt älskade sportlov tyckte jag att min kära blogg skulle få lite nya, fina skrivtag. Även om detta lovet har varit superbt, så börjar jag längta tillbaka till skolan, naturare som jag är. Harandsbo är ju trotts allt som ett andra hem för mig! Jag skulle nästan säga att vi har för långa lov (ja, jag  kände att nån behövde ta det partiet också). Om det är sanning vet man dock aldrig, jag är som en olöst gåta jag. Man vet ALDRIG vart man har mig, mohahahah!
Nä, nu tror jag jag ska plugga på periodiska systemet. Det är ju bara sååå intressant! Tänk bara på hur alla grundämnen är indelade i ett mycket komplicerat men samtidigt väldigt logist och ologiskt system. Jag blir så fascinerad!

My great LOVE

You know what always makes me happy?? Getting homework. Seriously, I don´t think you´ve realized how fun it is. Just amagine you don´t  have any plans after school, it´s a Friday night and the only thing you´re facebook friends are writing about is how fun they´re gonna have. Parties, bowling, hanging out with their boyfriends and you´re like: "Well, I guss I have to watch Idol with mom and dad. Again. But that´s fun, I mean, that´s why I´ve been doing it for the last..... My whole life".
No! Not anymore. I go on the science program, I´m going to be a doctor and I want something to do every freaking Friday! Homework.
"It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get home on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the school, school
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ home on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the school
Homework, homework (Yeah)
Homework, homework (Yeah)
Mole, mole, mole, mole
Lookin’ forward to the homework time"
"It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get home on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the school, school
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ home on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the school
Homework, homework (Yeah)
Homework, homework (Yeah)
Mole, mole, mole, mole
Lookin’ forward to the homework time"
This is my all time favourite song! I´m so happy that I´m a science kid because we always have home work. You´ll never have to be afraid that they´ll run out. ´Cus trust me, they never do. Never do. Never do. Never do. *Fading out*. Never do.

Staying fit with Lina - The workout program you don´t want to miss!

I think the headliner says it all. Since we eat so much cakes and cookies here at Haraldsbo we need to work out more than other kids. That´s the reason to why the architect who drew HBO is famous. She came up with this really great idea of having more than one floor in the building. Now you´re probably wondering why that´s so fantastic, I´ll tell you why. If there´s more than one floor you need stairs which means workout! We use the stairs to move ourselves from one floor to another by walking up and down in them.

I know it looks very easy to walk in the stairs but it actually burns more calories than you think - 0.11 when you walk up and 0.05 when you walk down. They have done  investigations about staireways and if you use the staires often you´re brain doesn´t shrink. In other words: it´s something you need as a science geek.

Or just be childish as me and my firends are sometimes and run on the benches and play superman. Tumbs up for that! (Y) This is a great picture of me. It really shows my big muscles and I mean, who wouldn´t be afraid to meet me in arm wrestling?

Stay fit - go to Haraldsbo.

The heart of Haraldsbo

Guess where I´m sitting right now?? In the libray, yeah I know you´re jealous. It´s very calm in here and I usually come here to relax. It´s like our own little mini spa, except for the massages, and face masks and..... Any ways, everybody loves the library!

I´m very intrested in books, especially the ones about cakes. Sometimes I spend hours just looking for recipes here. All the kids at HBO loves cakes, but I probably take first place. I know it´s not good to eat but I have my tricks to stay fit and I´ll tell you guys about it  later. If you´re waiting for somthing good, you never wait too long.

When you´re finished reading the book you simply just walk up to the bookshelf and find a new one. Notie my enthusiasm in the next picture. When you have spent too much time in the library you stop smiling when you find an interesting book because it takes to much energy.

The library at Haraldsbo has all kinds of books and I have actually read a few of them. One of my personal favourites, I know that a lot of readers will agree with me now, is "Upptäckterna som förändrade världen". It´s an amazing book about chemistry and it will always have a special place in my science heart. Always. The library is a great place hang around at if you want to study, and who doesn´t love homework?? It kinda looks like this when I study, I like to  do it with my awesome friends so I can help them when they don´t understand. Hahahha that just sounded really wrong, it was like hearing Barbie speak: Hi, I´m Barbie and I like to help people. Yeah, I like Barbie, she´s cool!


Woohoo! You know what? I just spent my last break at coolest place ever. It´s spelled the "Caféteria". And it was so fun!
I found this really great and informative magazine called Aidem, so I sat down at one of the many benches and read it for  while. I got to say it was very interesting and I feel like and have learned a lot so i want to share it with you guys.
Read and learn!
Then i got hugry so I bought some snacks, tea and cookies  and talked to the nice lady who works in the caféteria. I told her about this amazing tea I drank at the schools very own restaurant Ecole. Nanannana *walking on clouds*. And yes, I saved the tea package ( geek warning ).
Since I´m such a curious girl I like to know the latest things happening at school and in Falun. This is how happy I get when i read the notes on the noticeboard.
Before I went to my next lesson I wanted to load up with some water to be able to study as hard as posible. Lucky me we have a water machine at our school.

The locker room

Hi all my fabulous readers!! ;)
I´m finally writing my 3rd blog post and.... Oh wait!! Is it just me or can you also hear the hallelujha choir?
Anyways, since I´m such a geek (Science program, 121 in IQ), I spend a lot of time in school and one of the most important things for me is the locker room.  I have my very own locker where I keep all my books, my jacket , my computer, my gloves... Yeah, you already know all that stuff, but what you don´t know is that it´s so much more! Atleast for me and I value my opinion very high in this informative blog. There´s just so many things you can do in the locker room, the skies the limit! Here comes some pictures of what I usually do when I hang around the school and play cool.
Me sitting and getting hot by the element.

Sometimes I´m tired and unfortunately we don´t have any beds in my school (you probably don´t have any beds at your school either so don´t say anything). So, cleaver as I am I take the opputuninty to utilize our beautiful lockers to 100 percent.
Okey, this next thing I´m going to write about happens very rarely, but once in a wile I (okey don´t freak out now) take my books out of my locker faster than my friends! Yes, it has happend a few times. And cool as I am I don´t want to just stand in the hallway and look stupid so I have come with this really cool pose! And you know what?? YOU can use it too if you just follow this simple steps:
  1. First you walk up to a friend, any friend will do.
  2. Since you don´t want put your books and your computer on the floor you simpley just place them on your friends looker.
  3. Choose between your right or left hand (I prefer to use the hand which makes my face, face my friend).
  4. Then just try to look as cool as I do in this picture.
If you haven´t already noticed it I´m pretty short. So I cant get up on the lockers without a bench which you can see in the following picture. And no, I´m not going to write a long essay about the oppurtunities of being short, even though could.

Geeks vs. Popular vs. Sport freaks

"Omg!! Where should I sit....??? " Yes, you guessed right. This blog post is going to be about the school cafeteria at Haraldsbo. And just because I´m such a nice person I will give you a guide to how to survive a lunch.
  1. The school cafeteria is in another building ( thank God! ) which means - freah air! That little walk can really change your mood in about 2 seconds. 
  2. We care A LOT about hygiene here at HBO so we always use hand alcohol before we eat to get rid of all the bacterias. And hand alcohol is actually the reason to why we never get sick *cough*. Want to stay well?? Stay in school ( and with school I mean HBO ). Tumbs up for that (Y). 
  3. When you have passed the alcohol test you are ready to choose between all the delicious dishes they serv here at HBO. And I´m not even joking now - the food is actually great! Just look at the wide range we get to choose from ever single day. Trust me, you won´t be hungry when you walk out of the cafeteria. 
  4. Then it´s just time to find a place to sit. Sometimes it´s very crowded but I can only see positive things about that. For example you get a great reason to talk to some new people if you settle down at their table. Just say: "Hi! Is it okey if I sit here?? ". And BAM! You have started a conversation with a random student. Tumbs up for that! (Y)           
So I hope I have spread some important information over this confusing situation, `Cus trust me, you will need it. ;)

Haraldsbo - The best school in the whole world!

Hi everyone! You´ve probably wonderd a thosand of times which school is the coolest to go to if you are a teenager and live in Falun ( or any other cool village around here ). I can gladly announce that you don´t have to wait any longer. And the winner is.... *drums* : HARALDSBO ( according to me and all my friends ). I´m pretty sure you have a lot of questions about Haraldsbo like: what´s happening at the coolest school ever existed? Can you eat the food in the school cafeteria or do I have to live on frenchies from Rolf Eriksson for the next 3 years??
Well, if you stay tuned on this super informative blog you will get all the answers. (Y)

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