Week 15

Height: 14 cm
Weight: 100 gram
The baby can now get it's thumb into it's mouth but it can't controll it's movements jet because the nerv system isn't fully developed. 
It's normal to wanna drink milk that's rich of calcium because the baby is storing calcium right now. 
I woke up this morning feeling good, went down, did a fruit sallad. Three bites in I was laying over my bucket and vomiting. Why does my body hate fruit in the morning? And I'm supposed to eat 500 grams of fruit every day, good luck with that!

Finding babyland

You know the uterus thing I was writing about a few days ago? I think I found it. I was laying in bed on my back and the lower part of my belly was super hard!
A picture from Falun on our balcony that we hade decorated with a hundred flowers :)

Week 14

Today we enter week 14 (13+0). I feel that the pregnancy is going soooo fast right now. Here comes an update on the baby and the pregnancy. 
  • You shall now be able to feel the uterus if you touch the belly right above the pubic bone. I think it's hard to feel it thogh, I'm not sure how it's supposed to feel.
  • The baby can move around and is responding to external stimulus. For example the baby can now yawn, spin around, turn it's head and strech it's body.
  • The baby is now fully developed with all the organs and everything it and will now just keep on growing in the belly.
  • Baby girls have millions of primitive egg deposits in their ovaries and the baby boys are making the male sex hormone.
  • The lines for the fingerprints is starting to show.
  • The babys eyes are still closed. 
It's kind of cool to think that there is a minimini sized baby in my belly with all the organs. It has all the things it needs in it's body, it's just a very small baby (around 6 cm now). 

Vecka 13

Woopwoop! I tisdags entrade vi vecka 13 och den andra trimestern. Den andra trimestern varar mellan vecka 13 och vecka 27, fram till och med den 29 januari. För er som inte är insatta så är det en milstolpe för folk i väntans tider då den största risken för m-ordet som inte får nämnas vad namn är över! Jippie! Här kommer en liten uppdatering om hur bebisen i magen har det nu. 
Längd: 6 cm
Vikt: 60 gram
Ögonen sitter fortfarande brett isär och öronen långt ner. Bebisens skelett börjar hårdna och skulle jag göra en röntgenbild nu så skulle man kunna se bebisens skelett också. Hur coolt! Nästan att jag vill ta en sån bild nu bara för det :) 
Bebisen får mer fostervatten och kan röra sig mer obehindrat. Hehe... jag ser framför mig att bebisen gör massa volter och cirkuskonster i magen xD.
Bild snodd från Google.

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