School - my secound home

Right now have I spent 9 hours and 20 minutes in school. You just gotta love school! Which I do. Of course. ´Cuz i'm geek and geeks love school! 
(I wanna die....!!! :O ) OK, that's a secret between you and me and my teachers must never find out. OK? 

Shoes are for fashion, not function.

Okey. I didn't mean to. It just happened. It's not like it was MY fault. 
Uhuh! Lina has done it again. She walked the sidewalk just like normal girl in the city. But then! Something caught her attention, the most beautiful shoes in the whole wide world. She couldn't ignore them, to her defence, she is just a regular teenage girl, dieing for cute items to fill her world with. It's not easy to walk by a store front and not see anything she likes or even worse, go through a store without a big hole in her wallet afterwards. As I said. She is just a teenage girl. 
As a wise person once said: 
"Shoes are for fashion, not function."
Well they at least make me this happy and isn't that the most important  ? ;)  

A world without geeks

I've been thinking about an important question. "What would the world be with out geeks?". And I came to a conclusion pretty fast. Nothing. Just a big empty hole. 
The geeks make the world go around. And without them, there would be nothing.  Just imagine:
The glow from a pencil when a geek writes a scientific report.
The way you can see your own reflection in the geek friends glasses. You can not only see the depth of your friends inteligent eyes but also yourself in them. 
When a geek runs to school to make sure he wont come late to his classes. 
Pure love. 

Geekines 101

Well, well, well... There's never a stop for my geekines (??). Just look at my very own super duper cutie pajamas!! 
(Every geek should have one in their closet.)
Cameriod felt like being a mirror today so you have to read backwards, no problem for a geek right?!
And for you people who doesn't know swedish though it's such a beautiful language (shakes head...), here's a dictionarie. 
English: natur = nature
Espanol: natur = naturaleza
Suomi: natur = luonto
日本人: 自然
Беларускія: прырода
Pilipino: kalikasan
Well, lucky you I'm a pro at foreigen languages! 
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