The actual meaning of the word "adult"

I just talked with an old friend on the phone, I miss her so.... But it's like she said:
Takling to her made me think of the different stages of life and the meaning of the word adult. 
18 Years Old: Woopwoop, I'm so growm up now and suuuper mature! I remember drinking white wine at a resturant at my birthday. I didn't even finish it. I thought it tasted awful.... But you know, still SO grown up!
Graduation: "För vi har tagit studeeenteeen..... Fy fan vad vi är bra!". It was parties and happiness. Though not so much alcohole because I was a poor unemployed student. And then I went on my first trip without my parents to Alanya with my friends before graduation. Damn I was a REAL adult! And we danced aaaall night... :)
First job: After graduation I got my first real job at a hamburger restaurant. A job if something is surely adult points. But I didn't work enough hours and I couldn't afford moving away from home. But now I at least had money. 
Moving away from home: to a new city and starting my university studies. When you pay rent and go grocery shopping at Ica you suerly are an adult! But I couldn't find somewhere to live and ended up renting a room with some senior citizens. And why had nobody told me how hard it is to sort laundry?
So many years I believed that was an adult. But today is probably the first time I FEEL like and adult. And not just me, all of my friends too. Moving in with boyfriends and buying apartments. And not to forget about me, expecting a baby. Suddenly everyone seems so grown up. I guess years of believing I'm an adult actually turned me into an adult. 


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